- Swimming Pool Removal
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Pool Demolition Services
- Pool Demolition Contractors
- Swimming Pool Demolition
Swimming Pool Removal & Demolition Services Los Angeles,CA
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Pool Demolition Services
- Los Angeles Swimming Pool Removal
- Spa Removal
- Jacuzzi Removal Services
- Swimming Pool Hole Compaction
- Swimming Pool Debris Haul Away

Deconstruction Pro Swimming Pool Removal & Demolition 888-666-8808
Deconstruction Pro offers the most comprehensive and satisfactory service for homeowners and commercial building residents looking to have a swimming pool demolished and removed. We offer the best prices for swimming pool removal in all of the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley areas.
We are one of the most dependable swimming pool excavation companies in the business with years of experience and know how. Removing swimming pools are one of our main specialties and with superior knowledge on swimming pool demolition services, you can always count on the team at Deconstruction Pro to remove that swimming pool and take back your extra footage.

Swimming Pool Removal Process
The process of having a swimming pool demolished and removed is actually a very complicated and involving process. When you chose Deconstruction Pro for swimming pool demolition and swimming pool removal you can be at ease and know that you are getting the best service in the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley. We start off by assessing your specific circumstance and start off right away with the demolition. We use our heavy duty machinery like Jackhammers and Bobcat machines that can break off that tile and concrete that was used to build your swimming pool. On the more stubborn areas or the swimming pool locations that need the most attention, we also get down to business with sledgehammers and a good ol’ shovel and pick axe. We here at Deconstruction Pro do not shy from hard work and our only goal is to get your Swimming Pool Removal job done to your satisfaction.
After all of the cement and concrete has been broken down and in pieces, it’s time to get it out of there. We usually accomplish the removal of swimming pool debris by using a Bobcat or by cartwheel. Removing these large pieces can be the toughest because they are heavy and bulky and not all at the same size. We take extra special care to carry and lift as safely as possible.
Next step in the process of swimming pool demolition is to fill the hole back up. We use dirt ad gravel and anything that will get that large hole filled up. Compacting that large area is a cinch with our special machinery. One the hole is filled up we use compaction machines to push the soil down and pack it in tight. We want to make sure that there are no leftover remnants of that swimming pool demolition.
Pretty soon your property will be flat and leveled and you won’t even be able to tell that there was a swimming pool in the area! All thanks to the hard work and dedication of your number one pool demolition crew Deconstruction Pro!
Swimming Pool Removal & Demolition Services